I’ve pretty much switched to using docker for everything when doing local development now.

My set up involves using a docker-compose.yml file for the core application dependencies that can be run in production and a docker-compose.override.yml file for development. This override file is mostly a load of “support” containers that get used in development, things like php, artisan, npm as well as things like mysql and redis that would be handled elsewhere in production.

Since switching to this development model I’ve just accepted not getting around to getting BrowserSync working· This weekend whilst battling some other issues my fingers got tired of pressing ctrl+r every few seconds so I figured I’d give myself a win by trying to tackle this.

The Laravel mix docs have a brief section on BrowserSync but theres not enough to get BrowserSync working for our config.

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Recently I blogged about replacing Moment.js with a lightweight alternative Day.js.

In Laravel, when working with dates I’ve been used to using the Carbon method diffForHumans.

It gives us a date value relative to an optional given date, but it defaults to now. Examples of output from the diffForHumans method looks like:

- 5 minutes ago
- One week ago
- Last Year

Rather than:

2019-05-19 18:08:40
2019-05-12 18:13:40
2018-05-19 18:13:40

We can do the same with Moment.js using the fromNow method. Given that Day.js is supposed to have the same API as Moment.js I assumed that the fromNow method would “Just work”.

Turns out that it didn’t. But with some small changes to our code we can get the same fromNow method working with Day.js.

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Earlier this year I blogged about reducing the file size of moment.js by stripping out additional locales. Whilst stripping the locales made a good saving in file size, really all I was using it for was to format dates within my user interfaces. So I set out on finding a lightweight alternative to do just that…

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The PHP library Carbon is hands down my favourite way to work with dates within PHP.
When using Javascript the closes thing ive found to it is a library called Moment.js.

By default Moment.js is bundled with a plethora of locales which might not all be relavent to you or your users. In this article I want to look at how much of a size reduction we can use by stripping out unwanted locales using webpack via Laravel-Mix.

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My latest projects at work have evolved from being PHP / Laravel applications with sprinklings of Vue JS on the front end to being almost entirely Vue JS components driving the frontend with Laravel backends.

Whilst laravel ships with Laravel-Mix to make webpack / asset compilation easier it doesn’t ship with anyway to lint your javascript.

Luckily adding eslint and defining rules for your .js and .vue files to follow is pretty straight forward.

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Talv Bansal

Full Stack Developer, Part Time Photographer

Head of Software Engineering
