Adding A CI/CD process to my work flow is one of the really quick wins I do on every serious project I work on.

Whilst most of my personal work is hosted on Gitlab, a recent project I was working had its code in Bitbucket. This was my first time working with Bitbucket, so I wanted to document how I built assets, linted and ran tests using its pipelines.

What will these pipelines do?

By the end of this article you should have a working bitbucket-pipelines.yml file for your Laravel project which will do the following:

  • Use composer to install your projects dependencies
  • Run php-cs-fixer to enforce a code style
  • Run larastan to run static analysis against the code base
  • Run php-cs-fixer and larastan in parallel
  • Run phpunit to run our projects test suite
  • For a production build yarn run production
  • Allow us to manually trigger a deployment to production using Laravel Deployer.
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At our company setting up gitlab ci configuration is one of the jobs I end up doing by default.

This weekend I wrote a package to help speed that process up by generating a .gitlab-ci.yml file as well as installing some of the packages and configuration files to make the following possible:

The package currently provides a single artisan command to do all of the above after answering a few simple questions.

Check the repo out here:

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Recently I wrote about my current Gitlab CI process, when it came to the deployment part of the process I showed how I was handling it using a tool called Laravel deployer but I didn’t breakdown what laravel deployer was doing and how I had it configured.

The Laravel deployer docs are pretty good however I found a couple of server config issues that I always find myself referring back to when setting up auto deployment. Mostly to automatically restart Laravel Horizon and restarting Php-fpm without needing sudo privileges.

Lets imagine I was going to a set up Gitlab CI / CD for a fictional project hosted over on the fictional domain of with a real repository here that is hosted on somewhere like Linode, Digital Ocean or even AWS.

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My most read articles on this blog are about Gitlab CI/CD with PHP. They cover a basic linting, testing and crude deploying process.

Today I want to look at my current CI/CD process for my Laravel projects in more depth. Currently the pipelines of my projects might vary slightly but is very similar to this:

Gitlab Pipeline

So there are 5 main stages in the process:

  • Preparation - The pulling down of dependencies and storing them in an artifact
  • Syntax - Check code syntax
  • Testing - Run unit tests
  • Building - Build assets
  • Deployment - Deploying to an appropriate server

The stages are processed in order with each stage containing one or many tasks. Should one task fails in a stage then the whole pipeline stops and is marked as failed.

To run the pipelines I make use of gitlabs free tier which gives you access to 2000 shared minutes per month as well as a runner on a server I have. More about setting that up can be found here.

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Talv Bansal

Full Stack Developer, Part Time Photographer

Head of Software Engineering
